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​​​​​Health = Wealth

Health brings the greatest Wealth (WELL-th).  When you feel strong and vital you enhance your ability to work and earn.  When you feel energized and flexible you smile more at your children.  Without stiffness and pain you can dance, engage in sports, garden or whatever it is that makes you feel like a happy human. When you are healthy, you are creative, energized, your mood is good and you feel ready to live life.

Health (HEAL-th) is possible for all of us.  Your body is a self-healing organism and we regenerate on a regular basis.  Our lifestyle habits determine what kind of materials we are using to build.

An old children’s book called “The Three Little Pigs” told the story of three pigs who used different building materials to build their homes. Only the pig that built with bricks was able to stay safe from the wolf. In life we will encounter wolves in the form of challenges.  The materials we build with will determine our success in meeting those challenges and our ability to enjoy the fun times as well.

We can liken our energy to the battery charge of a cell phone.  Too many people are walking around with less than 10% of their battery charge which means any challenge to their health could completely drain their battery and cause the breakdown of an organ or a system of their body. How many people do you know that are operating with very little battery charge?  How many people do you know that are walking around with a full charge (filled with energy generated by their body, not caffeine or pharmaceuticals) ?

If you are not as energized as you’d like to be, let’s connect for a free 20 minute "Mapping Your Plan" session. It's time to fall back in love with your life.

Click the Get Started button to learn more about Rebecca's methods and read some success stories from people who have worked with her.

When you feel energetic, vital and pain free, you show up in the world as your best self and you:

  • Can play with your kids or grandkids (even on the floor)
  • Have energy at the end of your workday for yourself and your family
  • Do your best work and contribute your own unique magic to the world
  • Feel hopeful and creative
  • Are able to help others who may need assistance (strong to be helpful)
  • Can add more fun and adventure to your life
  • Can participate in sports and social activities
  • Save money on medical expenses and over the counter medications
  • Laugh more
  • Look and feel more attractive
  • Can invest time and energy in all of your relationships (including with yourself)

massage & Movement 

